Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Daftar Judul Lagu F(x)

1. Sweet Witches
2. I Love You, I Love You
3. Step By Me
4. My Song-Luna Krystal (unofficial)
5. Love
6. 1,2,3
7. Zig Zag
8. Lets Try
9. Beautiful Stranger
10. Jet
11. Electric Shock
12. Trill Love
13. Surprise Party
14. My Style
15. Me+U
16. Gangsta Boy
17. Kkalrakkabana (theme song bubble game)
18. Mr. Boogie
19. Ice Cream
20. Dangerous
21. Hot Summer
22. Chocolate Love
23. Nu Abo
24. Danger Pinochio
25. Lachata
26. Chu
27. Lollipop
28. Is it Ok? (ost Paradise Ranch)
29. Amber ft Danson Tang-I M Back
30. Hard But Easy-Luna Krystal
31. Beautiful Goodbye
32. So Into You
33. Calling Out -Luna Krystal (ost cinderella sister)
34. And I Love You-Luna ft Yesung (ost president)
35. One Love (nge cover lagu suju)
36. You Are My Destiny
37. Sorry (Dear Daddy)
38. Luna-a thousands (immortal song)
39. Spread Wings-Luna Amber Krystal (ost God of Study)
40. Krystal-Melody (melody musical)
41. Krystal-because of me
42. Luna-Beautiful Days
43. Luna ft Sunny SNSD-Its Me (ost to the beautiful of you)
44. Krystal-Jessica SNSD-Butterfly (ost to the beautiful of you)

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Lirik Thomas And His Friends

They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth sheds or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends
Thomas he's the cheeky one
James is vain but lots of fun
Percy pulls the mail on time
Gordon thunders down the line
Emily really knows her stuff
Henry toots and huffs and puffs
Edward wants to help and share
Toby, well let's say, he's square
They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round tidmouth shed or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends
They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew
All with different roles to play
Round tidmouth shed or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Rumus Kunci Jawaban Little Alchemy

Game ini kereeen tapi simple kok cara mainnya.... di awal-awal kamu cuma perlu nge-drag icon yang disisi kanan terus icon itu tinggal ditumpuk sama icon lain yang menurut kamu bisa jadi icon yang baru. Mari cus bereksperimen hahaha.......... :D

Eitssss kalo udah mentok bingung mau gabung-gabungin yang mana, nih ada rumus-rumusnya, yaah itung-itung kalo kamu pingin cepet rampungin game itu, hahahahaha..... 

Emmmt.... #manyun -__-

Apa kamu juga bisa bereksperimen loh buat gambar, tulisan, peta, lukisan, atau contekan juga bisa #eh?  
Kayak aku nih buat gambar kucing. Kelihatan gambar kucing apa malah kayak gambar Bapak-bapak berkumis? hahaha... Whatever ^.^ wkwkwk

  Water + Water = Sea
  Water + Sea = Ocean
  Water + Fire = Steam
  Water + Earth = Mud
  Water + Air = Rain
  Fire + Earth = Lava
  Fire + Air = Energy
  Fire + Mud = Brick
  Earth + Earth = Pressure
  Earth + Air = Dust
  Earth + Steam = Geyser
  Earth + Rain = Plant
  Earth + Plant = Grass
  Earth + Lava = Volcano
  Earth + Energy = Earthquake
  Earth + Earthquake = Mountain
  Fire + Dust = Gunpowder
  Fire + Plant = Tobacco
  Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion
  Air + Air = Pressure
  Air + Steam = Cloud
  Air + Lava = Stone
  Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere
  Air + Cloud = Sky
  Air + Stone = Sand
  Sea + Wind = Wave
  Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
  Sea + Sky = Horizon
  Sea + Sand = Beach
  Ocean + Wind = Wave
  Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
  Ocean + Volcano = Isle
  Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami
  Ocean + Sky = Horizon
  Ocean + Sand = Beach
  Mud + Plant = Swamp
  Mud + Sand = Clay
  Rain + Rain = Flood
  Energy + Wind = Hurricane
  Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash
  Energy + Cloud = Storm
  Energy + Swamp = Life
  Pressure + Plant = Coal
  Pressure + Coal = Diamond
  Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune)
  Dust + Fire = Gunpowder
  Plant + Water = Algae
  Plant + Fire = Tobacco
  Plant + Earth = Grass
  Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae
  Plant + Plant = Garden
  Plant + Sand = Cactus
  Plant + Grass = Garden
  Cloud + Earth = Fog
  Cloud + Air = Sky
  Cloud + Energy = Storm
  Stone + Fire = Metal
  Stone + Air = Sand
  Stone + Life = Egg
  Stone + Metal = Blade
  Sky + Fire = Sun
  Sky + Life = Bird
  Sky + Egg = Bird
  Sand + Fire = Glass
  Sand + Sand = Desert
  Sand + Egg = Turtle
  Sand + Glass = Time and Hourglass
  Isle + Isle = Archipelago
  Swamp + Life = Bacteria
  Swamp + Egg = Lizard
  Swamp + Lizard = Alligator
  Clay + Fire = Pottery and Brick
  Clay + Life = Golem
  Life + Water = Plankton
  Life + Earth = Human
  Coal + Metal = Steel
  Coal + Time = Diamond
  Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion
  Gunpowder + Metal = Bullet
  Grass + Blade = Scythe
  Grass + Scythe = Hay
  Metal + Air = Rust
  Metal + Steam = Boiler
  Metal + Energy = Electricity
  Metal + Bird = Airplane
  Metal + Blade = Sword
  Metal + Glass = Glasses
  Metal + Human = Tool
  Metal + Explosion = Grenade
  Metal + Bullet = Gun
  Metal + Electricity = Wire
  Metal + Tool = Armor
  Egg + Water = Hard Roe
  Egg + Fire = Omlette
  Egg + Air = Bird
  Blade + Gun = Bayonet
  Sun + Sea = Salt
  Sun + Mud = Brick
  Sun + Rain = Rainbow
  Sun + Plant = Sunflower
  Sun + Time = Day
  Sun + Tool = Solar Cell
  Sun + Solar Cell = Electricity
  Bird + Water = Duck
  Bird + Fire = Phoenix
  Bird + Human = Angel
  Glass + Water = Aquarium
  Glass + Plant = Greenhouse
  Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb
  Time + Rain = Flood
  Time + Plant = Tree
  Time + Coal = Diamond
  Time + Lizard = Dinosaur
  Time + Electricity = Clock
  Time + Hard Roe = Fish
  Lizard + Fire = Dragon
  Human + Fire = Fireman
  Human + Rain = Cold and Sickness
  Human + Brick = House
  Human + Dust = Allergy
  Human + Plant = Farmer
  Human + Blade = Blood
  Human + Human = Sex
  Human + Electricity = Electrician
  Human + Sword = Warrior
  Human + Glasses = Nerd
  Human + Tool = Engineer
  Human + Gun = Corpse
  Human + Armor = Knight
  Human + Hard Roe = Caviar
  Human + Sickness = Sickness and Sickness
  Human + House = Family
  Steel + Blade = Sword
  Explosion + Energy = Atom Bomb
  Explosion + Sky = Fireworks
  Tool + Earth = Field
  Tool + Tree = Wood
  Tool + Wood = Wheel
  Tool + Boiler = Steam Engine
  Wood + Pressure = Paper
  Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire
  Wood + Tobacco = Pipe
  Wood + Water = Boat
  Wood + Wheel = Cart
  Wood + Corpse = Coffin
  Wood + Wind = Flute
  Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
  Wheel + Metal = Car
  Coffin + Earth = Grave
  Grave + Grave = Graveyard
  Grave + Stone = Gravestone
  Corpse + Life = Zombie
  Zombie + Electricity = Frankenstein
  Life + Forest = Wild Animal
  Wild Animal + Wire = Snake
  Wild Animal + Human = Livestock and Dog
  Wild Animal + Wood = Beaver
  Cold + Water = Ice
  Cold + Rain = Snow
  Ice + Rain = Hail
  Ice + Mountain = Iceberg
  Ice + Wild Animal = Penguin
  Snow + Desert = Antartica
  Snow + Storm = Blizzard
  Snow + Human = Snowman
  Paper + Paper = Newspaper
  Blade + Wood = Axe
  Tree + Tree = Forest
  Farmer + Field = Wheat
  Farmer + Tree = Fruit
  Farmer + Life = Livestock
  Livestock + Grass = Cow
  Livestock + House = Barn
  Livestock + Bird = Chicken
  Livestock + Hay = Horse
  Livestock + Mud = Pig
  Cow + Tool = Meat
  Cow + Farmer = Milk
  Fruit + Time = Alcohol
  Fruit + Tree = Fruit Tree
  Fruit Tree + Fruit Tree = Orchard
  Water + Pipe = Water Pipe
  Wheat + Stone = Flour
  Flour + Water = Dough
  Dough + Fire = Bread
  Fire + Bread = Toast
  Milk + Time = Cheese
  Cheese + Sky = Moon
  Moon + Human = Astronaut
  Moon + Time = Night
  Night + Day = Twilight
  Moon + Sea = Tides
  Night + Bird = Owl
  Moon + Sun = Eclipse
  Night + Sky = Star
  House + Sickness = Hospital
  Human + Hospital = Doctor
  House + Bird = Birdhouse
  House + Wind = Windmill
  Clock + Sun = Sundial
  Clock + Bird = Cuckoo
  Tree + Light bulb = Christmas Tree
  Tree + Isle = Palm
  Human + Meat = Butcher
  Human + Axe = Lumberjack
  Human + Bicycle = Cyclist
  Knight + Dragon = Hero
  Boat + Steam Engine = Steam Boat
  Boat + Wind = Sailboat
  Steam Engine + Steel = Train
  Rainbow + Rainbow = Double Rainbow
  Rain + Smoke = Acid Rain
  Milk + Ice = Ice Cream
  Bread + Cheese = Sandwich
  Dough + Fruit = Cookie
  Meat + Smoke = Ham
  Sunflower + Pressure = Oil
  Fish + Electricity = Electric Eel
  Horse + Cart = Wagon
  Campfire + House = Fireplace
  Axe + Electricity = Chainsaw
  Sea + Sickness = Seasickness
  Light Bulb + Electricity = Ligh


Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Spongebob Squarepants (Episode MuscleBob BuffPants)

Ini nih picture favorit saya di episode MuscleBob BuffPants. Seingat ku ini nih dialognya,

Spongebob: Maaf Sandy, aku sedikit bau kalau habis olah raga.
Sandy: Oh Spongebob, kau memang bau.
Spongebob: Ya ini berkat alat-alat olahraga ku.

Wuahahaha alat-alat olahraga apanya, itu setumpuk boneka yang 'unyu-unyu' dan berkilauan. Spons, kau memang benar-benar keren. Lee min hoo pun kalah maco #eh? :D

Sandy pun membantu biar si Spongebob jadi kekar hahaha, eh tapi Spongebob nya tidak sanggup. Hmmm, mungkin makhluk selembut spons yang habis dicelupin sabun cuci piring Spongebob ga bisa olahraga ala Sandy yang strong girl.

Spongebob nonton TV terus dia liat iklan produk "otot palsu" wah wah wah, dia tertarik pemirsa xD

Spongebob terus ngebayangin kalo dia jadi manusia kekar, haha
 #Menangkap ubur-ubur

 #Bekerja di Krusty Krab

#Pas mau tidur "Selamat malam, Gary."
si Gary jawab "meaoooww..."
wkwk xD Saya ga pernah tau arti tiap tekanan dan intonasi Gary waktu bilang Meoww

Dan inilah, sambutlah, wahai saudara saudara *lebay
Wkwk Bimsalabim. Spongebob jadi Kekar Ototnya waw tumpuk-tumpuk ototnya juga punya otot :O

Padahal awalnya cuma segini, wkwk tulang belulang xD

Tapi apa pun, semuanya, hal apa pun yang terdapat unsur penipuan akan berakhir dengan semestinya. Oh....... :( Otot palsunya meletus, DORr! Tiiiiiiiiiiuuuut.........
Alhasil Spongebob diberikan Sandy olah raga yang tepat buat dia.
Jeng jeng... o_O